Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Poinsettia

Here's our Poinsettia all 6 feet of it blooming
like an idiot at the end of March...It almost froze
to death in the winter after a freeze and my husband
starting watering it and almost killed it...We looked
it up on the internet on how to care for it and they
said very little water...it took off again after that.
Its over 20 years old.


At 7:03 PM, Blogger Candy said...

Wow, a 20-year-old pointsettia?.... That's gorgeous! You're obviously doing something right and it must love where you have it!

At 6:27 AM, Blogger Joyce said...

I tried to grow a small pointsettia here in south Florida but it gave up on me...may be that's where I went wrong, too much water.


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